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Patients requiring end-of-life care need the Residence and, now more than ever, the Residence needs you.

Due to fundraising events being cancelled as a result of the pandemic,
the Residence has lost a significant source of funding.

The Residence is proud to be celebrating 10 years of operation—and we’re
counting on your support to help us celebrate 10 more!

The coronavirus has put the entire world on hold; terminal illness, unfortunately,
continues despite it all.

With the government covering only 42% of our annual cost of operations, we are required to raise $1.4 million every year through philanthropic funding.

We recognize that times are hard for many of us, but every donation—even the smallest—makes such a big difference and is so important to ensuring the Residence’s sustainability.

You can provide your support using the method that is most convenient for you.  


You can make your donation online through a secure server by clicking here and completing the form.  

By phone

You can make your donation by phone using your credit card. Simply call the Foundation at 450 202-2202, extension 133.

By mail

You can also fill out the form and mail it along with a cheque to the following address:

Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence

90 Como Gardens

Hudson (Quebec)

J0P 1H0

* Don’t forget to provide your mailing address so we can send you a receipt for income tax purposes.  


Privacy policy

When you make a donation in support of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence, we are committed to protecting your privacy and personal information under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

Download the donation form

Donations in memory of a loved one  

You can send your condolences to the family and loved ones of someone who has recently passed away by making a donation in their honour or in their memory.  

Rather than send flowers, you can make an In Memoriam donation and request that we notify the family of your donation. We can also leave our In Memoriam cards at the funeral home or other location where the individual’s life is being celebrated.   

For more information or to obtain In Memoriam cards, please contact Dominique Bérubé by phone at 450 202-2202, extension 133 or by email at

Donate your cans

Want to raise money for the Residence during your get-togethers and parties among family and friends?  

We can provide you with a box to collect your cans as donations. Simply call us at 450 202-2202, extension 123.

Community fundraising events  

You can help us by organizing your own fundraising events such as sporting challenges, virtual theme-based dinners and Casual Dress Day at the office to raise funds in support of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges Palliative Care Residence.

For more information or activity suggestions, or to download the registration form, please visit our Community fundraising events page.

Events organized by the Foundation  

You can help us by participating in our fundraising events. Although some have been cancelled due to the pandemic and we’re still unsure if events will take place in the second half of 2021, we hope we at least get to invite you to a few!

Les poinsettias de la Maison, eux, ont résisté à la vague pandémique! Vous pourrez à nouveau vous procurer votre plant cette année. Suivez-nous sur Facebook, nous y annoncerons le lancement de la campagne au cours des prochaines semaines.

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