Our volunteers—these precious individuals are absolutely invaluable to the Residence. While their value is calculated in the number of hours they selflessly donate, their worth is truly immeasurable. After all, who can place
a value on pure dedication and generosity?
The extraordinary contribution of our volunteers is indeed a source of incredible support to the staff of the Residence. Above all, without their extraordinary generosity, the Residence could simply not survive.
They are a huge part of the reason we are able to offer our services
to the community free of charge.
We are privileged to be supported by more than 200 volunteers who give an average of 21,000 hours to the Residence every year, either through daily operations or as part of one-time activities and events. The only activity volunteers are not involved in is dispensing direct medical and specialized nursing care, which is handled by a specialized team.
If you have a bit of time to give and want to be part of this amazing team of volunteers, you can ask to be assigned to tasks that match your interests. For example, you can help in the kitchen or doing maintenance, or if you feel more comfortable working in an office setting, you can help with administrative tasks.
Once you have decided how you would like to volunteer, you will receive the appropriate training for the tasks that will be assigned to you.
All new volunteers also receive basic palliative care training. This training is required and can be completed in four three-hour sessions, for a total
of 12 hours.